Especially light and extremely stable


With the HFQ® technology (Hot Form Quench), the fischer group is able to produce previously unknown lightweight components with the same high strength. Aluminum hotforming provides new freedom in the design and use of complex yet lightweight components made from high quality aluminum-copper alloys (2XXX), aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys (6XXX) and aluminum-zinc alloys (7XXX).

Components or subassemblies previously manufactured in several stages or individually assembled can now be easily and inexpensively formed in a single pass. Due to the almost complete elimination of disrupting springback effects, narrowest tolerances can be achieved. Thanks to the high strengths achievable, further lightweight effects are feasible through, for example, further reduced wall thicknesses or dispensing with no longer required reinforcements.

  • Structural bodywork components in vehicle manufacturing
  • Stable components in aircraft manufacturing
  • High-strength lightweight structural components for e-mobilit


  • Rail transport
  • Consumer electronics
  • Architecture